Headshot: Danielle Bennett

Danielle Bennett

Research Associate

Danielle Bennett supports market research and special projects. At AK Cultural Planning, she has conducted focus groups, qualitative data analysis, and market analysis. Previously she has provided curatorial research for the New-York Historical Society and worked in social media and visitor experience for the Alice Austen House. She is a recent graduate of Tufts University’s History and Museum Studies MA program, and her master’s thesis, “Dwelling in Possibility: Queering the Historic House Museum,” explores the meaning and process of developing queer and trans narratives at several historic house museums.

Danielle is interested in socially conscious, interdisciplinary museum work that asks questions of itself and deeply engages its audiences. She is currently guest editing an issue of the Journal of Museum Education on Queering the Museum. She also presents on queer and trans inclusion in museums. Previously, Danielle worked in the tech sector and in government, giving her a multi-faceted understanding of user experience and collaborative project-based work. 

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